Coaching & Consulting Testimonials
"I really got to know Jason at a time in my life where I thought I had it figured out. I had just finished six months of an intensive outpatient program and thought I was just building my network of like-minded people. He has an inate ability to see all parts of you. He very quickly became the best mentor and coach I've ever had. He saw and highlighted things therapists in 25 years haven't. If you've spent years trying to get better and are frustrated in never finding the right help, you've found the right help with Jason. He shows up in the world authentically and vulnerably. He can see and name your issues because he's seen and dealt with his own. I have never met anybody more committed to healing themselves and in turn sharing the path to healing with others than Lalli. If you're ready to finally do the work you've been hiding from yourself, reach out. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. You are worth the effort. "
"In my time being mentored by Jason, and being helped, and coached, and guided, I have found myself not only having a new approach to my ever present traumas and triggers as well as momentary challenges that have come up in the same time. Not only have I been helped and guided in ways that have momentously improved my perspective of my own troubles, but I have learned skills that I’ve been able to pass on to people around me. Any lack of understanding has been clarified either in the moment or later on down the line and I am very very grateful for his presence and impact in my life, and I cannot wait to see what he does as he begins to help more and more people."
"Jason, helped me open up which has helped me build relationships with people at work. He helped me during the hardest point in my life so far when my best friend passed. He has been someone I know if there is something that I feel is truly bothering me or if I hit a low and think that there is nowhere to turn, I can always call or text him and he’ll be there to show there is always something better
“Jason’s guidance through the challenges of my teenage years were a driving force into who I am today. He helped build my confidence and self-respect in a time where I needed it most. I’m lucky to call him a friend and life coach”
"I remember times after our late shifts when we would work until at least 10 (sometimes later) and we would be counting the money up from the shifts and we would stay just talking about life, problems, stories, etc. We would talk for hours. I think it was truly special to find someone I connected with that was older and provided me with some guidance. As someone who was 19-21 years old at the time, I didn’t have much guidance from an adult. My parents were great but I felt as I couldn’t talk much about some aspects of my life with them. So, it truly was special to find someone with life experience with similar things I was facing in my life to relate with and help guide me."
Jason is a GIFT in my life! He was able to put me on the path to recovery from my brain injury by showing up as an empathetic witness having shared some of my experiences and guided me through my big challenges by providing hope, sage wisdom and invaluable resources. Thank you Jason! You continue to be a shining beacon of light in my life and you make the world a better place to live and thrive!
Jason, Thank YOU for truly being a GIFT and LIGHT in my life!!!
I began working with Jason about a month ago, and all I can say is WOW!! The tools are very simple and effective, the challenge has been putting them into practice. It is everyday work, that before working with Lalli, I was not showing up for in my life. He is skilled at reflecting your perception of the world and yourself back to you, so that you may see yourself fully and embrace all of the ups and downs with compassion and an opening mind to always learning and reflecting.
I have been in the psychiatric system since I was a little under 11 yrs old. I am 34 now. I have been diagnosed, misdiagnosed, medicated on various cocktails oriented to my compliance and various “dis-orders”.
I have been advocating for myself pretty much alone and being my own warrior for so long that when Jason aligned into my life so much was happening so fast and slipping at the same time. My recovery had peaked in many areas, was dealing with a very public toxic relationship romantically and socially while trying to navigate all my other endeavors and learning to be a mom.
I was taken back not only from his insight and genuine understanding and support as a friend; but when I asked him to officially work with me as my mentor/life couch simultaneously with the other healing modalities and providers in my arsenal now, he put the icing on the cake.
Being able to have a real world reference point as someone who struggles with trauma and a list of other diagnoses that make it hard to see the world from a clear lense, Lalli helps me immensely in that. His compassion and authentic nature is warm and strengthens me and encourages me and he pulls so much from is own journey overcoming his own struggles as inspiration.
I could continue to go on but you should really see for yourself how amazing it is to work with Jason as a friend, mentor, coach, leader or all of the above he has made such an impact on my life in fact a lot of ways I feel divinely put there to help save it.
“Jason was there for me during a time in my life where I didn’t just need a friend. I needed someone who was going to give me wise council, and walk me step by step through everything. He did just that. “