Bullying Program
Workshop Testimonials
"Before our Spring break all three of our seventh grade teachers had moved. This left the school year with a mired of substitute teachers. Our seventh grade students felt abandoned and in a very chaotic environment. I had been working with Mr. Lalli around January. He created a program around bullying, yet it was so much more. What he did for our students in seventh grade this past year was to give them a voice. He stepped into the midst of our chaos and began teaching children how to identify their feelings and how to use their voices to stop the cycle of bullying. Students looked forward to the day he would come and he was able to quickly connect with students. When walking through his presentations students were engaged and involved. We saw our office referral data drop in this grade level and I had students come to the office to ask adults to help them mediate conflict. As well, the pre/post data from the program showed marked increases in student knowledge. Desert Horizon has asked him to return next year and work with two of our grade levels. You will not be disappointed with the product he brings."
- Suzanne Jaramillo, Principal Desert Horizon (2015)
"Jason’s presence at Desert Horizon made a huge impact. From the first time he was in my classroom I was able to sit back and watch him capture the attention of the students with such enthusiasm. I was amazed at his ability to excite and engage these students who do not typically give his or her attention and respect. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Jason demand respect, not just for him, but for all people. After Jason completed the program with our students it was apparent that the students had heard and embraced the idea, and I was able to see the students use tactics that they were taught by Jason rather than use previous behaviors. I very much enjoyed having Jason in the classroom and enjoyed watching the program unfold and change the minds of many of my students!"
- Kristen Girch, Math Teacher (7th Grade) Desert Horizon
"Firstly, I would like to thank you for the time and effort you poured into our 7th graders at Desert Horizon Elementary. It has been a pleasure witnessing an individual with passion sharing such an impactful message. The students have received your book and visits so well. You have a talent that both students and I recognize.
Secondly, I would like to discuss your book, Bullied. It was a great read. The defining of roles, perspectives, and stories all come together so well. With the help of your book, the students and I now have an understanding of the difference between conflict and bullying, and realize the importance of an active bystander. Also, with your lead, we have had conversations and writing assignments to instill this movement in them. Students are now able to recite their choices when faced with varying situations. You have supplied them a key tool in their 'life toolbox'.
Most importantly, I once again thank you for sharing your story. You are an overcomer. Your vulnerability has given the kids a role model to look to and think, "Hey, I can do this!" On behalf of all of 7th grade, Thank You!
" - Anthony Quezada, ELA Teacher (7th Grade) Desert Horizon
Thank you for the amount of time you spent with our kids. I know it had a positive impact. One of our goals, defining what bullying is, was certainly met as evidenced by the assessment. You do such a great job of connecting with the kids and allowing them to really open up to you. You're a fantastic story teller and that goes a long well with our middle school students! I greatly appreciate your willingness to work with our parents as well.
I'm sure you'll continue to do great work and continue to positively
impact students."
- Catherine Laser, Principal Canyon Breeze (2015)
"This entire program has been extremely beneficial to myself and my students. It has taught my students ways to prevent and stop bullying during a time in their lives when bullying is so common. My students have opened up and shared their own personal experiences. Students were extremely receptive to the material in class and made connections with their own lives. Even my most challenging students were engaged throughout the presentations. They opened up and showed active listening skills. Students always asked for Mr. Lalli"
- Darlene Mann, ELA Teacher (7th grade), Isaac Middle School (2017)
Professional Development Workshop Testimonials
The Professional Development workshop helped me gain good insights about student-teacher relationships and how important it is to be aware of the emotions and energy we teachers bring into the classroom. The fact that this also holds true with the students we cater to everyday makes it even more necessary and imperative for teachers to attend workshops like this. I find the workshop very timely too, considering the numerous challenges we try to deal with on a daily basis. I felt recharged, inspired and more motivated after attending the workshop! I am now more excited to come back to the classroom and give my 110% to my students!
-Divina Agoncillo-
6th Grade Teacher
As a veteran teacher of 19 years I felt that this was a very timely and valuable workshop! Our schools our in such desperate need of this kind of guidance. I gained valuable resources that will help my students improve their social-emotional interactions with other students and adults. I highly recommend this workshop!
~We can help break the cycle through preventive education!
-Maria Wheeler-
Kindergarten Teacher
Thank you for letting me be part of your professional development workshop. It was overall an excellent experience. I felt safe and valued and I learned new and relevant information.
My biggest take-aways are the following:
1. I love your classroom role play for active listening (one student reads a book the other one listens etc). I will use this tomorrow with my 6th graders!
2. Your communication approach which was on the white board opened my eyes. Drawing boundaries and creating an awareness of choice were not in my bigger picture yet. This added a new dimension to understanding the concept of communication.
3. The handouts were very helpful.
4. "It's okay!" I went swimming this morning and spent time calling friends. This was a whole new Sunday morning for me and I felt better all day. I wrote it on my mirror for daily use.
-Sabine Bachner-
7th Grade Teacher
When Jason first told me about the workshop I was a little unsure of what SEL was or would look like in the special education setting. After the workshop, I gained brand new knowledge about mindfulness and self-care. Overall, this workshop has taught me new skills I can implement with my students and in day to day life. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to know and discuss social and emotional learning and mindfulness. Thanks Jason!
-Becky Levesque-
Special Ed Teacher